Top Web Development Frameworks 2018-2020

Top Web Development Frameworks 2018-2020

Based on data from HotFrameworks, which tracks framework popularity based on GitHub as well as StackOverflow ranking, we are able to predict the popular frameworks to 2020.
FrameworkBest For
ASP.NETApps using the Microsoft stack and C# as the development language
AngularJSJavaScript apps using Google’s improvements to HTML via extensible templating
Ruby On RailsRuby-based applications that leverage convention over configuration for fast development
ASP.NET MVCApps that need the Microsoft stack along with convention driven MVC architecture
ReactFront-end apps built with component-based architecture
DjangoPython apps that need to scale based on well-structured foundations
AngularSoftware applications that need a full-featured front end
LaravelPHP apps that need the structure of a modern MVC framework
SpringJava framework that lets you build apps on the Java virtual machine
ExpressReal-time and data-intensive apps that need the scalability benefits of Node.js
In the table above, we list the highly popular frameworks that are likely to be in highest demand based on their rankings in the preceding years. You can expect that developers specializing in these skills will be highly demanded by businesses.

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